Start Ahead, Stay Ahead

Every child is unique and reaches developmental milestones (the functional skills and tasks for each age and stage) at his or her own individual pace. All our activities feature a variety of learning styles and skill levels to help each child grow and reach his potential.

Measure thinking skills including learning, understanding, problem-solving, reasoning and remembering. Young children are inquisitive learners. Our play-based, hands-on learning environment and curriculum encourage creativity, allow children to satisfy their curiosity and take initiative. We introduce the children to various topics and experiences which enable them to practice reasoning and problem-solving skills and to become more complex thinkers.

  • Fine motor skills are the child’s ability to use small muscles, specifically their hands and fingers, to pick up small objects, hold a spoon or use a pencil to draw.

  • Gross motor skills include activities which use larger muscle groups such as those for crawling, walking, running and hopping.
At Helen Doron, in-class physical activities are created according to the age and stage of development, with lots of movement, dance and action because we believe ‘an active body is a learning body’.

involve children’s interactions with others and how they relate to family, friends and teachers. These are greatly affected by how a child feels about himself and how effectively he can express his ideas and emotions. They contribute to a child’s self-confidence and empathy, their ability to develop meaningful and lasting friendships and partnerships, and their sense of importance and value to those around them. Helen Doron schools provide a reassuring environment to interact harmoniously with others, develop communication skills and build relationships. A school is a mini society where children learn about boundaries. They develop an understanding of the world, and that understanding the rules can be challenging.

Helen Doron School students learn English easily in an ideal learning environment.