An Active Body is a Learning Body

Learning through movement is a joyous experience. Inspired by the research of leaders in the field of mind-body connection and learning, the combination of movement and learning taught in our schools builds brain connections and plants the seeds for mental growth and development.

Ready, Steady, Move! / ¡Preparados, Listos, Ya!

The RSM program, taught either in English or Spanish, is a 4-part series, each of which includes Dance, Pilates and Yoga. The importance of starting a lifelong movement regimen at an early age cannot be stressed enough, especially in this age of childhood obesity, anxiety and attention deficit disorders. RSM teaches English or Spanish vocabulary through songs, games, activities and stories and focuses on proper execution of Yoga and Pilates postures to improve flexibility, balance and muscular endurance.

A variety of focusing activities and Brain Jogs are used to enhance the children’s attention and energy and to mentally prepare them for the session to follow. The activities stimulate both brain hemispheres to function together, thus promoting whole brain learning. Besides practicing vocabulary, the games and other activities also provide the opportunity for personal expression, cooperation and awareness of the immediate environment. Both Yoga and Pilates are performed in a non-competitive environment. Each participant performs the positions to the best of his ability and within his own physical limits.

In addition to developing motor skills, coordination, flexibility, balance, strength and body control, our unique fitness program teaches children healthy habits that can last a lifetime. Research has shown that movement and language learning have a positive impact on each other. When we combine physical activity with cognitive tasks like language learning, it enhances the learning process. Physical movement activates neural pathways, promoting brain plasticity and facilitating learning. Using gestures and engaging in movement-based activities while learning a language improves comprehension, memory and motivation. Movement also stimulates the production of neurotransmitters associated with improved cognitive function. Integrating movement and language learning creates effective and enjoyable learning experiences.

The major tenet of Ready, Steady, Move! / ¡Preparados, Listos, Ya! is that ‘an active body is a learning body’. This is the synergy used to teach correct movement and language techniques together. In this way, the children not only benefit from improved fitness and health but also learn a new language that, due to the use of movement, is retained and understood far better than in conventional teaching methods.

Each day, the children participate in activities that provide tremendous physical and mental benefits:

  • *Exercise helps children achieve and maintain a healthy body weight.
  • *Regular physical activity helps build and maintain strong, healthy muscles, bones and joints.
  • *Exercise aids in the development of important interpersonal skills.
  • *Research shows that exercise enhances academic performance.
  • *Participating in regular physical activity prevents or delays the development of many chronic diseases.
  • *Children who are active report fewer symptoms of anxiety, have greater self-esteem and better self-image.

Through yoga, Pilates, song and dance, children easily learn English, French, Spanish, Mandarin, Turkish, German or Russian. This video shows the integration of movement and language learning.