Early childhood is all about physical changes! Science clearly shows that children form lifelong food preferences and behaviors when they are young. Eating well helps children develop resilient bodies and healthy attitudes that will strongly influence their eventual health as adults.

In Helen Doron schools, children discover and develop their skills and abilities. With over 35 years of experience in teaching children and maximizing their physical, mental and social skills development, Helen Doron considers children’s nutrition to be a vital part of our holistic, multi-disciplinary approach.
The food we feed our children not only provides fuel for their bodies to grow and develop, it also influences the mechanisms which control their mood, concentration and ability to learn. Research shows a clear link between healthy eating and student learning. We greatly emphasize nutrition, believing that good health and nourishment boost learning and energy. Children who eat a healthy diet are more likely to perform well in an educational environment. Therefore, putting an extra effort into children’s wellness is likely to ensure an academic advantage. We encourage a plant-based diet – a diet which cares for not only our bodies, but also our planet.

We have designed our dietary plan to provide protein to support growth, essential fats for healthy cell membranes and nutrient absorption, and wholegrain starchy carbohydrates to provide energy, vitamins and minerals for active play. The diet also provides plenty of fruits and vegetables for the vital immune-boosting phytonutrients they provide. A vegetable and herb garden in the school gives children the experience of enjoying nature, caring for living things and taking charge of their own nutrition. This gives them an opportunity to learn from where their food comes and increases their intake of fruits and vegetables

Steady energy:

For children to get the most out of the whole day, they need foods that supply a steady energy source. The recipe for lasting energy is regular meals and snacks which contain wholegrain starchy carbohydrates and protein. Protein and the fiber in whole grains help slow the energy release from the food, keeping blood sugar levels stable and providing lasting energy

Lasting concentration:

To help children maintain the focus and concentration needed for learning and to aid in creating new brain connections, blood sugar levels need to be stable. Proper hydration is also needed to help maintain concentration, so we encourage children to drink water at regular intervals throughout the day.

Balanced mood:

When blood sugar levels are low, children can feel irritable, upset, tired and find it hard to concentrate. The Helen Doron meal plan provides lasting fuel and energy to help children have fun and enjoy learning throughout the day. The diet also provides the proteins needed to make the neurotransmitters necessary to maintain a good mood and the essential fats needed for brain and nervous system health.